Tama Plaza Science Festival

November 12th, 2013
  • Date: 9:30am-4:00pm, Saturday, November 16th
    (free, no reservation needed, rain-or-shine event)
  • Location: Yokohama Tama Plaza campus, Kokugakuin University
  • URL: http://www.kokugakuin.ac.jp/human/nin03_00470.html
  • Intended audience: elementary school students
    (younger children can participate in some activities)
  • *There are no parking spaces available on campus. Please use public transportation such as trains, buses, etc.
Phonetics Promotion Committee will run a booth this year at science experiment festival aimed for elementary school students. We will provide experiments to record voices, extract sound waves and spectrogram, compare with other people’s voices, and learn about how speech is produced. We will also have many other scientific experiments. Come and enjoy the fun experiments!