
Forum Dates Saturday April 24 – Sunday April 25, 2010
Location Aoyama Gakuin University (Aoyama campus)
4-4-25, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8366, Japan.
Organizing Committee Hirohisa Kiguchi (Chair), Mitsuaki Yoneyama, Naohiro Takizawa, Satoshi Ohta, Kayono Shiobara, Kentaro Nakatani
Contact forum-elsj@kaitakusha.co.jp
Invited Speakers
Special lecture
Hisatsugu Kitahara (Keio University)
Tutorial lecture
Eric. S. McCready (Aoyama Gakui nUniversity)
Yoshihiko Ikegami (Showa Women’s University)
Seizi Iwata (Osaka City University)
Registration Fee ELSJ members: 2000 yen
Non-members: 5000 yen
Non-member students: 3000 yen
Official Web Site http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/elsj/
Call for Papers
Paper Presentations
We invite abstracts for (A) oral presentations (20-minute talks plus 10-minute discussions) and (B) poster presentations on the following areas: 1) phonetics and phonology, 2) morphology and lexicology, 3) syntax, 4) semantics, 5) pragmatics and discourse analysis, 6) historical linguistics, 7) corpus linguistics and descriptive grammar, 8) cognitive linguistics, 9) sociolinguistics, 10) psycholinguistics, 11) neurolinguistics, 12) others.
We accept only electronic submissions.
Abstract requirements:
  1. Abstracts created in PDF (strongly recommended) or Word format must be submitted by email as attachment files to: forum-elsj@kaitakusha.co.jp.
  2. The length of an abstract must be no more than 800 English words using a 12 point font, and please stay within two pages long (size A4 or letter), including references, tree diagrams, or tables.
  3. Abstract files should not contain authors’ names.
  4. The body of the email must contain (a) title of the paper, (b) name of the author, (c) affiliation of the author, (d) email address of the author.
  5. The subject of the email must be “Abstract for ELSJ Spring Forum.”
  6. If you prefer poster presentation to ordinary presentation, please indicate this in the body of your email.
December 7, 2009
Notification of Acceptance:
January 12, 2010
We also invite proposals for workshops in the same linguistic areas as in paper presentations. Workshops can last approximately 2 hours. Here again we accept only electronic submissions.
Proposal Requirements:
  1. Proposals created in PDF or Word format must be submitted by email as attachment files to: forum-elsj@kaitakusha.co.jp.
  2. The length of a proposal must be no more than 1000 English words using a 12 point font, and please stay within three pages long (size A4 or letter), including references, tree diagrams, or tables.
  3. Proposal files should not contain organizers’ names.
  4. The body of the email must contain (a) title of the workshop, (b) names of the organizer and speakers, (c) affiliations of the organizer and speakers, (d) email address of the organizer.
  5. The subject of the email must be “Workshop Proposal for ELSJ Spring Forum.”
December 7, 2009
Notification of Acceptance:
January 12, 2010