ICPhS 2023
2023年8月7-13日 に、音声学の大きな国際学会の一つである International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2023 が、チェコのプラハで開催されます。
詳細は、学会ウェブサイト (https://www.icphs2023.org/) をご覧ください。
2023年8月7-13日 に、音声学の大きな国際学会の一つである International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2023 が、チェコのプラハで開催されます。
詳細は、学会ウェブサイト (https://www.icphs2023.org/) をご覧ください。
本日(9月24日)、台風による交通機関の乱れが生じているため、13:00〜14:00 に行われる会⻑挨拶、会場校挨拶、総会、表彰式を会場とオンラインの両方で同時に行うことにいたします。ただし、このプログラムへの参加は日本音声学会の会員に限ります。(特別講演は会員・非会員いずれも参加できます。)
Zoom 情報は特別講演と同じく、以下の通りです。
トピック: 9月24日特別講演(2つの講演で共通)関連情報: 大会初日の特別講演会のZoom情報
“Resolving Variation: Listeners, Learners & Grammar”
講演者:Katherine Demuth (Macquarie University)
日時:9月27日(火) 16:00~17:30(JST)
形式:Zoom webinar(登録制)
要旨:Researchers have long been aware of ‘the invariance’ problem, where listeners and learners must determine underlying representations from variable surface forms. Some of this variation may be contextually induced, or may be a result of different speakers, different dialects or different speaking conditions. Much of this research has focussed on the level segments/phonemes. Much less is known about how similar types of variability are dealt with by children in the morphological domain. This talk will explore some of these challenges, reporting on recent findings exploring listeners and learners’ sensitivity to allomorphic variation and more. These results suggest that young learners are highly sensitive to all kinds of variation, rapidly constructing robust linguistics representations despite surface variation.
(9/24 10:00更新) 1日目の会⻑挨拶、会場校挨拶、総会、表彰式もハイブリッド開催となりました。
第1日(9月24日)の特別講演1, 特別講演2に限り、会員・非会員の別を問わずどなたでも無料で受講できます。また、特別講演に限りZoomで同時配信いたします(上限300名)。Zoom情報は以下です。
“Continuities in children’s prelinguistic and linguistic communication”
講演者:Michael Tomasello(Max Planck Institute/Duke University)
コメンテーター:岡ノ谷 一夫(帝京大学)、小林 春美(東京電機大学)
ホスト:馬塚 れい子(理研CBS)
日時:7月20日(水) 9:00~11:00(JST)
形式:Zoom webinar(登録制)
連絡先:高橋美樹 llds.cbs▲riken.jp
“Exploring neurodiversity in cognitive development: mother-infant interaction and language acquisition”
演者:皆川 泰代 (慶応大学)
日時:6月17日 16:30~18:00(JST)
形式:Zoom webinar(登録制)
要旨:We have been carrying out a longitudinal project examining the cognitive development of infants (0 to 36 months old) who are at low-risk (LR) and high-risk (HR) for neurodevelopmental disorders such as the autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). One of the purposes of this study is to investigate early neurodevelopmental basis associated with social and language communication skills by employing functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and analyzing some behavioral measures. In this talk, I will report some current findings obtained so far from this project. I will particularly focus on various aspects of the mother-infant interaction and how they impact an infant’s language acquisition. In the first part of the talk, I will mainly discuss the behavioral results obtained from the still-face paradigm of 6-month-old infants and their mothers. We compared the results of covariance correlation analysis between or among social signals, including eye-contact, touch, vocalization, and contingency during still face paradigm and later language and social development. In principle, results were dissonant between LR and HR infants, and the contingent responsiveness of the mothers showed steady positive correlations with later language development (9-, 12-, 18-, and 24-month-olds) exclusively for the LR group. Furthermore, rhythmic touch (movement) and vocalization by the mother were powerful factors that had an impact on later language development, again only for the LR infants. The results of these infants’ brain responses and network while listening to the speech of the mother and a stranger were also analyzed. Consistent with the behavioral results, hemodynamic brain activity and connectivity in response to maternal speech were diverse between the LR and HR groups, while the LR group showed a very similar pattern to that of an LR neonate’s brain. I will also present two more fNIRS studies on the (1) hyperscanning of the mother-infant interaction of 3- and 4-month-olds (LR and HR) and (2) learning of non-adjacent dependency grammar in neonates and 6-month-olds (LR). These studies show neurodiversity and neural uniformity in relation to social and language functions.
担当:高橋美樹 llds.cbs▲riken.jp
日本音響学会 音響教育委員会後援, 日本音声学会後援, 東京都言語聴覚士会後援
問い合わせ先: 竹内京子 kyotake2018▲gmail.com