Other events
Talk by Dr. Volker Dellwo
Dr. Volker Dellwo (University of Zurich, Switzerland) will give a talk at Sophia University.
- Date: Jan. 20th (Mon.), 2020
- Time: 15:30-17:00
- Place: Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, room 3-347 (Campus map)
- Language: English

NINJAL ICPP 2018 (5th International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology), to be held at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) on October 26-28, 2018 (official language: English).
Date: Friday, October 26th, 2018 – Sunday, October 28th, 2018
Location: National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL)
[Keynote Speakers]
Laura Downing (University of Gothenburg)
Carlos Gussenhoven (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Bob Ladd (University of Edinburgh)
Aditi Lahiri (University of Oxford)
Rachid Ridouane (CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle)
[Other Invited Speakers]
Yukari Hirata (Colgate University)
Armin Mester (UC Santa Cruz)
Jaehyun Son (Duksung Women’s University)
The conference program and abstracts are available online.
Registration fee: Student Free, Others \1000; Banquet fee: Student \500, Others, \1000
Please register online by October 10 from the link on the website above. We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference.
Contact information: ICPP2018 Organizing Committee: icpp2018@ninjal.ac.jp
Date: Friday, October 26th, 2018 – Sunday, October 28th, 2018
Location: National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL)
[Keynote Speakers]
Laura Downing (University of Gothenburg)
Carlos Gussenhoven (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Bob Ladd (University of Edinburgh)
Aditi Lahiri (University of Oxford)
Rachid Ridouane (CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle)
[Other Invited Speakers]
Yukari Hirata (Colgate University)
Armin Mester (UC Santa Cruz)
Jaehyun Son (Duksung Women’s University)
The conference program and abstracts are available online.
Registration fee: Student Free, Others \1000; Banquet fee: Student \500, Others, \1000
Please register online by October 10 from the link on the website above. We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference.
Contact information: ICPP2018 Organizing Committee: icpp2018@ninjal.ac.jp
Tokyo Conference on Evolinguistics: Where does Phonology Fit in?
- Date: March 7, 2018 (13:00~17:30)
- Venue: Building 18 Hall, Kimaba I Campus, the University of Tokyo
http://ds.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/material/image/20171017103702.pdf - Lecturer: Shin-ichi Tanaka (University of Tokyo), Pedro T. Martins (Universitat de Barcelona), Kuniya Nasukawa (Tohoku Gakuin University), Bridget D. Samuels (University of Southern California)
- Language: English
- Host: MEXT Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “Evolinguistics: Integrative Studies of Language Evolution for Co-creative Communication” (A01 Linguistic Theory Team)
- Inquiry Contact: Shin-ichi Tanaka (tanaka@boz.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
- 13:00-13:05 Opening Remarks and Introduction
Shin-ichi Tanaka (University of Tokyo) - 13:05-14:05 Lecture 1 and Discussion
Shin-ichi Tanaka (University of Tokyo)
“Rethinking Syllable Typology from the Perspective of Evolinguistics: From Universal Constraints to Interface Conditions” - 14:10-15:10 Lecture 2 and Discussion
Pedro T. Martins (Universitat de Barcelona)
“An Evolutionary Contiguum Hypothesis for Sound Production Learning” - 15:10-15:20 10 Minutes’ Break
- 15:20-16:20 Lecture 3 and Discussion
Kuniya Nasukawa (Tohoku Gakuin University)
“Recursive Merge and Phonological Features” - 16:25-17:25 Lecture 4 and Discussion
Bridget D. Samuels (University of Southern California)
“Foxp2 and Friends: From Phenotype to Genotype and Back” - 17:25-17:30 Closing Remarks
・Each lecture contains 40 minutes’ presentation and 20 minutes’ discussion
In pursuing the issue of the origins and evolution of language, approaches based on ‘vocal communication (songs or calls)’ of a variety of species including song birds and primates have been relatively extensive and prosperous up to now, but it is a bare fact that approaches based on ‘phonology of human language’ have been sporadic and rudimentary yet. The taproot lies in the present state of affairs of phonological theory in which it is still not endowed with a valid architecture or methodologies explicit enough to approach the evolutionary issue. In this sense, formal phonology has not yet established its own role or accomplished any substantial contributions within the relevant fields of evolinguistics. However, it is evident that we cannot conduct comparative studies between humans and other species or trace back to the origins of human language without insights from phonology of human language. This is because human language, in its evolutionary history, has not emerged as it is, until the phonological grounds were established so as to externalize its internal organization by means of sound systems.
So in this series of lectures on evolinguistics, we introduce some insights from human phonology and cross-species comparative studies based on them by showing what phonologists can do in the recent trends of evolinguistics. Specifically, we attempt to show 1) what architecture phonological theory should have in light of many findings in the relevant fields of evolinguistics, 2) what methodologies phonologists can adopt in order to approach the issue of language origins and evolution, and 3) how phonologists can test possible hypotheses empirically and contribute to the whole field successfully. The four speakers all are also contributors to the special issue of the Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 21(1), 2017, entitled “Excavating Phonetic/Phonological Fossils in Language: Current Trends in Evolutionary Linguistics,” and, on this occasion, they introduce new ideas or findings developed later on the basis of the discussion therein.
Celebration of Life for Osamu Fujimura (Tokyo, 29 August 1927 – Waimea, Hawaii, 13 March 2017)
We want to celebrate the memory of Osamu.
Also we want to set aside this time to encourage one another, young researchers as well as older researchers, to continue exploring the many aspects of speech science, just as Osamu encouraged so many of us.
Please come join us in a Celebration of Life for Professor Osamu Fujimura. All are invited to come, those who personally knew Professor Fujimura and those who have only heard about him or would like to know more!
S. Imaizumi, H. Imagawa, K. Sakakibara, D. Erickson
Please come join us in a Celebration of Life for Professor Osamu Fujimura. All are invited to come, those who personally knew Professor Fujimura and those who have only heard about him or would like to know more!
- Time: 17 March 2018 (Saturday) 13:30 – 15:30
- Place: N101 Lecture Room, 1st Floor, Tokyo University Medical School Building 3
- WEB: http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_02_04_j.html
S. Imaizumi, H. Imagawa, K. Sakakibara, D. Erickson
Kokugakuin University “Tama Plaza Science Festival 2015”, Supported by Phonetics Promotion Committee
We will set up a booth titled “Let’s look at your voice”. We will provide experiments to record voices, extract sound waves and spectrograms. Other experiments and booths will also be set up during the festival.
- Date: 9:30am-4:00pm, Saturday, October 17th (free, no reservation needed, rain-or-shine event)
- Location: Yokohama Tama Plaza campus, Kokugakuin University
- Intended audience: elementary school students (younger children can participate in some activities)
The 3rd International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology
The 3rd International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology (3rd ICPP) will be held at National Institute of Japanese Language and Linguistics (Tachikawa city, Tokyo), December 20th – 22nd, 2013. Submission for oral and poster presentations is now open. Submission deadline: August 31st, 2013. Please send an email to icpp3@ninjal.ac.jp for further details.
- Date: December 20-22, 2013
- Place: National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL)
- Website: http://www.ninjal.ac.jp/phonology/InternationalConference/3rd_icpp/home/
- Contact: icpp3@ninjal.ac.jp
Lectures at the Phonological Forum 2013(The Phonological Society of Japan)
The Phonological Forum 2013 will be held at Sapporo Gakuin University (Sapporo city, Hokkaido), August 21st – 23rd. Submission deadline is June 30th. There will be lectures by Professor Michael Hammond (University of Arizona) and Professor Bert Botma (Universiteit Leiden). Participation fee for the lectures is free for members of the Phonetic Society of Japan. Participation fee for the rest of the forum is 1000 yen for members of the Phonological Society of Japan, 500 yen for student members, and 2000 yen for non-members. Please see (http://sils.shoin.ac.jp/PhonWeb/) for further details on contact information, important dates, and program.
CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT: The 22nd Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference
The 22nd Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference (J/K22) will be held at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) in Tokyo on October 12-14, 2012. The deadline for abstracts is May 15, 2012. For details, please see the conference website (http://www.ninjal.ac.jp/jk2012/). Two pre-conference workshops will be held on the afternoon of October 11th, one on endangered dialects of Korean and Japanese, and the other on Japanese and Korean corpus linguistics.
Date: | October 12-14, 2012 |
Place: | National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) |
Website: | http://www.ninjal.ac.jp/jk2012/ |
Contact: | jk2012@ninjal.ac.jp |
The Public Symposium on the Current Descriptive Study of Japanese Dialects will be held in Kobe University
The Public Symposium on the Current Descriptive Study of Japanese Dialects,
which was postponed due to the earthquake and the tsunami damage, will be
held in Kobe University on May 21st, under the aegis of the National
Institute of Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL).
Participation is free.
Participation is free.
- Location: Kobe University
- Date: May 21 (Sat.) 1:00 – 5:30 PM
- Contact Information: Haruo Kubozono <kubozono@ninjal.ac.jp>
- URL: http://www.ninjal.ac.jp/event/project-meeting/m-2011/20110521-005/
Information on postponement of the Public Symposium on the Current Descriptive Study of Japanese Accent
Due to the earthquake and the tsunami damage plus the uncertain situation
regarding radiation biohazard, we regretfully announce the postponement of
the Public Symposium on the Current Descriptive Study of Japanese Accent,
which was scheduled to be held at Japan Women’s University on March 19,
2011. The new schedule for the Symposium will be announced when it becomes